Reptile News: Arabian Cobra first time captive breeding
LOVE IT OR HATE IT JUST RATE IT!DRN, the best daily news show on the planet...... yes its like that.All these stories and more The BG:The infirmary in Preston Castle, a haunted castle in Ione, California. Frequently Asked Questions:1- Where do you find all this reptile news?I work about 7 days a week most weeks scouring the internet for reptile related news. I find hundreds of stories per week from different places all over the world. The unfortunate part is I can only pick a few per day to talk about because of the time it takes to produce the show but I do post a lot on the website that never makes it on the show.2- Why is your reptile news always doom and gloom?I love happy news, we all do but the sad fact is our community has a lot of bad news going around right now and I dont make the news, I just tell it so its not really me promoting doom and gloom, its more like just informing you and promoting us as a community to ban together and change the future.3- Do you actually think you are helping the reptile hobby?Not only do I think I am but I know I am. I am a huge supporter and promoter of the reptile hobby as well as super pro business. I spend every single day helping to promote a positive image of our hobby to the general public, what have you done to promote our hobby today?4- Will you promote my site, channel, business exc exc?Yes I would love to do all of the above but I have a strict new rule that before I allow any promotion on DRN the person must first prove that they are doing something to help our community.I have been providing the daily reptile news for several years now. I started it with Foot Hill Reptiles in 11/2006. When I sold FHR I started and continued to provide the news on the forum. In January 2010 I started providing it via you tube as well as the FHH forum. In February 2010 we went to high definition coverage of the important daily news as it pertains to reptiles and amphibians. On March 15th, 2010 debuted as your #1 source for Daily Reptile News.Twitter me on Face Book!/ Reptivlog intro music is Wanderlust by Synthr Used under the Opsound creative commons license which can be found here The background images if any were all taken by me using ether a Kodak ZXD, Sony MHS-CM1 or a Samsung Galaxy S and edited in Sony Vegas 9.0 Studio Edition on a Compaq Presario SR5233WM running Windows Vista Premium. The stories from my video come from my own research scouring news sources all over the internet. .
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КВН 2011 Премьер лига Первая 1/4 Сборная Камызякского края Приветствие
Павел Воля - Маме (Comedy Club)
КВН-2011 Станция Спортивная Москва Четвёртая 2011 Пробки
Четвёртая 1/8 КВН 2011 Станция Спортивная Москва , Советский Союз, пробки,история россии Приветствие высшая лига(25-я Воронеж,ИНЖЭКОН Санкт-Петербург, Ботанический сад Хабаровск, Сборная Батайска Батайск ДГТУ, МСЭБ Станция Спортивная Москва, Интер Сборная Украина Винница Харьков Крым) Александр Масляков, Ярмольник
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Самолет из будущего
МС-21 -- с такой амбициозной аббревиатурой, которая означает «Магистральный самолет 21-го века», корпорация «Иркут» собирается выходить на мировой рынок гражданских авиалайнеров. Сейчас конструкторы самолета только в начале сложного пути, но уже известно -- в МС-21 будут использованы самые современные материалы и прорывные технологии.
Самолет, из, будущего, portugese, military, news, analysis, television, automobile, conspiracy, italian, middle eastern, commercial, aviation, discussion, politics, environment, vehicle, hot topics, vlog, warfare, commentary, educational, talking, softwar
Просмотров: 5244
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