Show Car Build - Modding

Добавил mightycarmods 21 ноября, 2011 15:24 Кино и Тв Комментариев: 0   

In the finale of this three part series, the team from MCM has to pull it all together to have the car finished in time for Sydney Autosalon. Parts arrive from Japan, the interior is done and the car is started for the very first time.

Продолжительность видео: 32:18 мин
 (голосов: 1)
Mighty, Mira, Part, III, car, mods, season, three, daihatsu, cuore, autosalon, show, auto, manual, conversion, subaru, turbo, marty, moog, build, off, how, to, paint, japan, rays, turismo Просмотров:  90550 Версия для печати


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