Grilling recipes from the BBQ Pit Boys Show

Добавил BarbecueWeb 24 сентября, 2012 07:39 Кино и Тв Комментариев: 0   

YouTube asked us to submit some recipes for Ad Blitz, where anything and everything NFL Super Bowl buzz can be found. Here are some of our favorite barbecue and grilling recipes and some suggested by our Subs and Friends of the Pit. More details about these recipes can be found by tuning in to the BBQ Pit Boys Show on YouTube! Our theme song, BBQ Shoes, is by Blue House with the Rent to Own Horns!

Продолжительность видео: 03:50 мин
 (голосов: 2)
super, bowl, nfl, football, adblitz, ad, commercials, bbq, barbecue, grilling, tailgating, cooking, recipe Просмотров:  107322 Версия для печати


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