Porsche 917/30 In Car Daytona Rennsport 2007

Добавил dainstanthit 25 июля, 2012 04:52 Кино и Тв Комментариев: 0   

This is in-car footage from the second lap of the big race (best race of the weekend) at Rennsport Reunion III. My dad is behind the wheel of the 917-30, hope you guys enjoy! The audio is pretty bad, but if you listen carefully you can hear the car missing and crapping out. If it had been running right, it would have been a much different race...

Продолжительность видео: 01:50 мин
 (голосов: 1)
Porsche, 917, 908, 917/30, 917-30, Rennsport, Reunion, Daytona, 2007 Просмотров:  58517 Версия для печати


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