Playing The Ponies Part II (1937)

Добавил american2015 12 марта, 2012 23:10 Кино и Тв Комментариев: 0   

The stooges are gypped into trading their restaurant for Thunderbolt, a washed up race horse. When Curly feeds Thunderbolt some chili pepperinos, he runs like crazy towards the nearest water. The boys enter Thunderbolt in a big race. With jockey Larry feeding Thunderbolt the pepperinos, and Moe and Curly on a motorcycle leading him with a bucket of water, they win the race.

Продолжительность видео: 08:08 мин
 (голосов: 1)
The, Three, Stooges, complete, episodes, curly Просмотров:  17179 Версия для печати


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