Massive crash Seat Leon Eurocup 2010 Brands-Hatch (HD)

Добавил Motorsports45 24 октября, 2011 04:14 Кино и Тв Комментариев: 0   

Portuguese driver Francisco Carvalho had a big flip during the Seat Leon Eurocup Race 2 at Brands-Hatch and ended in the spectator aera...Thanksfully everyone (driver, marshalls & spectators) is okayThe video is available in High definition 720p

Продолжительность видео: 00:57 мин
 (голосов: 1)
2010, wtcc, brands, hatch, seat, leon, eurocup, race, huge, crash, airbone, flip, Carvalho, shunt, spectators, red, flag Просмотров:  1886602 Версия для печати


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