Miss Ignorance USA 2011 discusses Evolution in school
This video of the Miss USA 2011 contestants displays the core of the issue regarding science education. The vast majority of these people do not understand what science is or how it works. The vast majority of these people do not understand what evolution is or how it works. They seem to equate the acceptance of a consensus scientific understanding with belief. They seem to think that there are two sides of some debate. This is what you get when ideology and religion is allowed to dictate education policy regarding what is science.Evolution is a chronological change in allelic frequency within reproducing populations. If we are to change the definition of science to allow the teaching of intelligent design creationism alongside the teaching of evolution, we should also teach,Flat earthism and geocentrism alongside heleocentrismAlchemy alongside chemistryAstrology alongside astronomyWitchcraft alongside physicsIntelligent falling alongside gravitySome of these ladies clearly have a much better understanding than others. For the record, the more intelligent chicks are definitely hotter!
Продолжительность видео: 14:48 мин

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