One Childhood

Добавил WorldBank 04 сентября, 2012 16:41 Образование Комментариев: 0   

Beautifully filmed, clearly written and enjoyable to watch, One Childhood tells the extraordinary story of how the nation of Eritrea supports the development of its children throughout their childhood - seemlessly linking early child development and school health programs, delivered in even the most inaccessible communities by a strong partnership between the education and health teams. One Childhood is an unforgettable portrait of a people taking control over their own lives and future by ensuring good health and good education throughout their one childhood.

Продолжительность видео: 30:56 мин
 (голосов: 1)
africa, eritrea, world, bank, childhood, children, development, poverty, education, health Просмотров:  32720 Версия для печати


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