Xperia Play Unboxing & pre- review of the Playstation Phone with Blunty3000
Blunty got his hands on the new Xperia Play (Playstation Phone) from Sony Ericsson.Watch the Unboxing and first hands-on review / preview after my hour long briefing from the folks at SE Australia.The new Sony Ericsson Xperia Play will be hitting ALL Australian carriers in May/june 2011 - and Vodafone get an exclusive white one (which I had a play with, very pretty in white)
Продолжительность видео: 10:29 мин
Xperia Play, unboxing, demo, review, preview, hands on, walkthrough, sony ericsson, Sony, Playstation, Phone, Playstation phone, R800i, android, 2.3, gingerbread, smartphone, cellphone, mobile, sonyericsson, mobile gaming, game, gaming, Crash Bandicoot, p
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