The Jace Hall Show - RAGE and Gaikai Envy here to watch The Jace Hall Show: Fuzzbuddy Friction The Jace Hall Show: RAGE and Gaikai EnvyDonald Faison (Scrubs) and Jace discuss the best biblical ally to have in a fight, while Donald tries to pitch his newest show idea, he only needs a few bucks. Speaking of money, Jace wants in on Gaikai, the newest business model from legendary developer Dave Perry (Earthworm Jim, MDK) that is set to change the way we play games online. We also check in with id Software to get a more in depth look at their first new IP in over 10 years, RAGE. The makers of Quake and Doom give us a history of how they paved the way for the FPS genre, and how they plan to change it even more in the future. All this and more, including MMA Superstar, Cung Le finishing the fight and what happened to the 50 bucks Donald Faison owed Jace?For more Jack Hall, check out his website at: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -This video will show you:How to make MachinimaHow the gaming industry worksHow to make money from Youtube- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Follow Machinima on Twitter!Machinima Gaming Respawn Entertainment, Technology, Culture MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: yt:quality=high Duke Nukem Forever Gearbox software ps3 xbox 360 wii Nintendo sony soe sony online entertainment dc universe online crystal dynamics earthworm jim pvp mmorpg gaikai steam valve pc gaming cung le mma John carmack id software rage quake doom wolfenstien call of duty dave perry gaikai downloadable games videogames earthworm jim shiny Donald Faison jesus moses halo 3 cung le spore maxis penis monster gary graham jace hall toddy roy hd films
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