Top 10 Halo 3 Suicides: Episode 49 (Gameplay Countdown) this to watch Top 10 Halo 3 Guardian Kills: Episode 48Top 10 Halo 3 Suicides: Episode 49 (Gameplay Countdown)Wanna Submit your clip?Go to to submit for Episode 51: Kills onNarrows and Episode 52: Sticks.Rules for Episode 51: Kills on Narrows1. Must be in Matchmaking2. Must be on the map NarrowsRules for Episode 52: Sticks1. Must be on Matchmaking2. Must include a plasma or brute grenade stick- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Follow Machinima on Twitter!Machinima Gaming Respawn Entertainment, Technology, Culture MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: yt:quality=high halo 3 top 10 series anoj machinima episode 49 suicidesguardian airborne season 7 narrowsfirefight killionaires wtf big team battlemoments objective kills odstamazing moments ricochet killionairekills season 6 sticks snipes overkill bounce bubble shield mythicbetrayal banshee betrayalsxbox 360 bungie UPC 882224444477 ricochet snipe top10series splatter suicide laser sticky warthog mlgamazing recon day heretic longshore citadel epic fails
Продолжительность видео: 05:44 мин

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